Re: [GrizHFMinimill] Adventures in 3D printing

It is the email program -- longer lines have been broken up, at least with my email client (thunderbird).  The word "nuts" has overflowed to a new line.

I had to make 5 or so fixes to the file to get it to compile -- all un-overflowing lines.  Maybe if somebody copies/pastes your file from the web interface to the forum there would not be a problem -- I haven't tried it.


On 01/02/2016 10:57 PM, Harvey White [GrizHFMinimill] wrote:

On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 22:25:01 -0600, you wrote:

>Your code doesn't work as is in OpenScad because of line length problems.

I use notepad++ which saves the file, and OpenSCAD reads that file.

Which lines have the problems? In my system, there is no problem with
the original source, so the email program may be the problem.


>On 01/02/2016 10:01 PM, Harvey White
>[GrizHFMinimill] wrote:
>> Here's the program that generates the bracket.
>> This is an scad format program (OpenSCAD)
>> Generates .scad files, and then exports .stl files
>> works well with notepad++
>> You may have to consider where the editor (or your email program) has
>> put in the carriage returns
>> .*****************************************************
>> // parametric support bracket
>> // overall thickness 7.42 mm (0.29 inches)
>> // spacing between holes set by board_offset
>> // allows 3/4 inch (arbitrary) mounting hole space
>> // drill mounting holes for bracket for 4-40 screws with 0.25 inch
>> nuts
>> // tap hex posts for 4-40 for board
>> // user set parameters
>> board_offset_inches = 2.95;
>> board_hole_to_edge_inches = 0.3;
>> // derived or fixed parameters
>> $fn = 100;
>> board_to_edge = board_hole_to_edge_inches * 25.4;
>> board_offset = board_offset_inches * 25.4; //
>> board hole spacing
>> board_hole = 1.35; // tap for 4-40 later
>> post_size = 6.1; // 0.25 inches
>> post_thick = 1.2 * post_size; // offset post size to
>> accommodate nut
>> support_height = 25.4; // height (below zero) of support
>> bracket
>> nut_size_inches = 0.25; // 0.25
>> nut_size = nut_size_inches * 25.4 * 1.2;
>> nut_inset = 2; // inset nut this far into
>> post
>> angle =
>> atan(((support_height-post_size)/(board_offset+board_to_edge)));
>> mount_hole_space = -(support_height+post_size) + 25.4 *3/4;
>> module post()
>> {
>> difference ()
>> {
>> union ()
>> {
>> translate([post_size/2, post_size/2,0 ])
>> rotate([0,0,30])cylinder(d = post_size * 1.155, h = 12.5,$fn=6);
>> }
>> translate([post_size/2, post_size/2, -1.5])cylinder(r
>> = board_hole, h=15);
>> }
>> }
>> module arm()
>> // mounting holes
>> {difference()
>> {
>> union(){
>> // extension below zero for bracket
>> translate([0,0,-(support_height+post_thick+nut_size)])
>> cube([post_thick, post_size, support_height+post_size + nut_size]);
>> // arm brace
>> translate([0,0,-support_height])rotate
>> ([angle,0,0]) cube([post_size, board_offset+2*post_size+board_to_edge,
>> post_size]);
>> // horizontal support arm
>> translate([0,0,-post_size/2]) cube([post_size,
>> board_offset+post_size+board_to_edge, post_size]);
>> }
>> // cuts off far end
>> translate([-(post_thick-post_size)/2,board_offset+post_size+board_to_edge,-3.5
>> *post_size]) cube([2* post_thick, 2* post_size, 4* post_size]);
>> // cuts off near end
>> translate([-(post_thick-post_size)/2,-2*post_size,-support_height])
>> cube([2* post_thick, 2* post_size, 4* post_size]);
>> // hole for screw #1
>> translate([post_thick/2, -post_size/2,
>> -support_height-post_size])rotate([-90,0,0])cylinder(r = board_hole,
>> h=15);
>> // hole for hex nut #1
>> translate([post_thick/2, post_size-nut_inset,
>> -support_height-post_size ]) rotate([0,90,90])cylinder(d = nut_size, h
>> = 2*nut_inset,$fn=6);
>> // hole for screw #1
>> translate([post_thick/2, -post_size/2,
>> mount_hole_space])rotate([-90,0,0])cylinder(r = board_hole, h=15);
>> // hole for hex nut #2
>> translate([post_thick/2, post_size-nut_inset,
>> mount_hole_space ]) rotate([0,90,90])cylinder(d = nut_size, h =
>> 2*nut_inset,$fn=6);
>> }
>> }
>> module support()
>> {
>> // post nearest mounting arm
>> translate([0,board_to_edge,0])post();
>> // post furthest from mounting arm
>> translate([0,board_to_edge+board_offset,0]) post();
>> // mounting bracket minus posts
>> arm();
>> }
>> color("green") support();
>> .*****************************************************
>> Harvey


Posted by: Bill Rubenstein <>
