[GrizHFMinimill] DRO Install [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from ffmowers@cox.net [GrizHFMinimill] included below]

I finished my DRO install using the Fignoggle plans and iGaging scales. I had to make some minor modifications for it to work with my scales since it was designed for the Shars scales, but overall it was easy and works well. If anyone plans on doing this; let me know and I'll share what I learned in regards to using the iGaging scales.

I still need to do some wiring cleanup and mount the displays better. The pic also shows my MachTach - I need to share some pics on the custom IR Sensor mount and integrated ring Mill Light..


Attachment(s) from ffmowers@cox.net [GrizHFMinimill] | View attachments on the web

4 of 4 Photo(s)
